Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Most Important Lesson Tim Cook Learned From Steve Jobs: ?Focus Is Key?

photoIn his first major public interview since replacing Steve Jobs as CEO, Tim Cook took the stage with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher at the tenth annual All Things D conference to talk about the state of Apple. "Apple has gone through a tremendous change," Walt Mossberg segued into perhaps the most important question of the interview, "How is Apple different with you as the CEO?" "I learned a lot from Steve," Cook responded. "It was the saddest day of my life when he passed away. As much as you should see or predict that I really didn't. It's time to get on." Cook said that he most admired Jobs' "intense determination" and described him as "laser-focused." Cook also explained that the most important leadership lesson he learned from Jobs is that ?"'Focus is key' .. not just in running your company but in your personal life. You can only do certain things well."

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Will want A lot of Primary Health insurance? | Medical Health ...

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Packages ?t?rt fr?m particularly very low, meeting emergencies, t? m?k? sure ??? a gr??t deal more massive. Y?? need t? come t? b? taken care ?f regardless wh?t, th?n a a gr??t deal more broad arrange m?? well offer substantial knowledge.

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Auto Finance Trends |

by Nancy Kirby on May 31, 2012

Auto Finance Trends

Auto loan defaults took another tiny step down in April, falling to the lowest level in eight years.? This is a good sign for the economy, along with related news that default rates fell in April for all loan types except bank cards.?

People tend to view cars as a necessary expense they?d be hard pressed to live without, which explains why consumers often place a higher priority on car payments than other debts in the face of a financial crisis.? High rates of auto loan defaults accompany a very weak economy, while shrinking auto loan default rates can be a sign of a strengthening economy.??

According to the S&P/Experian Consumer Credit Default Indices, the rate of default for auto loans fell from 1.11 percent in March to 1.07 percent last month. ???April data show the continuation of the positive trend we saw in the first quarter of 2012,? said David M. Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the Index Committee for S&P Indices. ?Not only have we continued the general downward trend in consumer default rates that began in the spring of 2009, but we appear to be reaching new lows across many of the loan types.?

As the economy shows signs of recovery, we can expect more consumers to take on new car loans.? The average car payment in the U.S. today is estimated to be $428.17 per month.? When considering a new or used car purchase, consumers should do some homework first to determine how much car they can afford, including possible increased insurance costs, before setting foot on a car lot.

Seidberg Law is a professional debt collection law firm centrally located in Phoenix, Arizona, offering services statewide to assist clients in collecting delinquent accounts from borrowers throughout Arizona, including defaulted auto loans.? For more information, contact Seidberg Law today at (623) 258-4397 or visit us online at

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Santa Rosa MLM Watchdogs Choose Xocai | Santa Rosa CA ...

Santa Rosa MLM List Hi, welcome to my Santa Rosa Xocai healthy chocolate distributor blog.

Today I want to talk about my decision to join MXI corporation. When I was looking for a Rohnert Park multi level marketing business with integrity, honesty, and a proven track record, I did my homework. You see, I don?t jump into a Santa Rosa network marketing business (or any other internet home based business) without thorough research.

First, I consulted an MLM watchdog scam list of MLM companies. Unfortunately, there are many Fulton Xocai wannabes that are really just MLM marketing scams. I studied the mlm opportunities, compensation plans, history of network marketing, and marketing systems for multi level marketing companies in Santa Rosa.

Xocai met all of my requirements and I gave it a clean bill in my MLM company review.

The Santa Rosa Xocai mlm is by far the smartest choice in network marketing opportunities. Many of my articles have addressed Xocai products. Choosing Xocai was a no-brainer from the product standpoint. However, there are other Rohnert Park top MLM companies that have quality products. A Santa Rosa MLM watchdog needs to look beyond top MLM products.

When I researched the history of Xocai founders Jeanette L. Brooks and Andrew Brooks, I began to get a sense of the Xocai MLM home business philosophy. Jeanette Brooks didn?t set out to be the NetWork Marketing MLM corporate leader. She wanted to create a MLM company that gave people the tools to prosper. Her previous company, Pure De-Lite, also had best-selling health products.

However, Pure De-Lite products were sold in Wal-Mart and other retailers. By switching to a business model that builds on a network of healthy chocolate distributors, Jeanette Brooks expanded Xocai?s influence. When you think about it, the Xocai MLM marketing model puts the profit in the hands of the healthy chocolate distributors, not Santa Rosa big box retailers like Target, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Costco, and Wal-Mart. (Don?t you think your family could use an income boost more than your nearest Santa Rosa grocery store?)

The Santa Rosa Xocai multilevel marketing system appeals to me. My Xocai meetings at Marriott are the best part of being a healthy chocolate distributor. I get to discuss healthy chocolate with my Xocai MLM prospects, coach my Xocai MLM downline, and share in TeamX88?s success. I also enjoy the online Xocai MLM marketing. Building online residual income frees up my time as my Xocai business grows. Life is better with a flexible Fulton multilevel company.

Thanks for visiting my Xocai healthy chocolate blog. Call me at 480.824.8318 for more information about Xocai.

Please come again

Join TeamX88 today!

I am JJ Birden, and I am a Santa Rosa-based Xocai artisan chocolate distributor. I joined Xocai in June 2005. I sell the industry-leading Xocai XoBiotic Squares and Xocai Protein Bar online and in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Graton, and Fulton. Our valued Santa Rosa customers recommend Xocai Protein Bar because Xocai Protein Bar best chocolates from Xocai is wonderful!.

TeamX88 is also a fantastic Xocai XoBiotic Squares home-based business in the Santa Rosa area. California entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand California healthy artisan chocolate market. To learn more about TeamX88, visit

Call me at 480.824.8318 to own your own Xocai XoBiotic Squares business in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Graton, or Fulton.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

War crimes court hands Liberia's Taylor 50 years in jail

A UN-backed court jailed Liberia's Charles Taylor for 50 years Wednesday for fuelling Sierra Leone's savage war, known for its mutilations, drugged child soldiers and sex slaves.

The former Liberian president, 64, was convicted last month of all 11 counts he faced of war crimes and crimes against humanity for aiding and abetting Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front during the country's 1991-2001 civil war.

In return, he was paid in "blood diamonds" mined by slave labour in areas under control of the rebels, who murdered, raped and kept sex slaves, hacked off limbs and forced children aged under 15 to fight, the court found.

"The accused has been found responsible for aiding and abetting some of the most heinous crimes in human history," said Special Court for Sierra Leone judge Richard Lussick, reading out the ruling on Wednesday.

He detailed a litany of horrors, including rebels cutting open pregnant women "to settle bets on the sex of a child." Many witnesses were "weeping as they testified. Their suffering will be life-long," Lussick said.

"The trial chamber noticed that the effects of these crimes on the families and society as a whole in Sierra Leone was devastating," the judge said at the hearing in Leidschendam, just outside The Hague.

It was the first sentence against a former head of state in an international court since the Nuremberg Nazi trials in 1946.

Taylor -- with gold-rimmed glasses and cropped greying hair, a dark suit and gold tie -- listened with his eyes closed as the judge handed down the sentence, which Taylor's team, and prosecutors, have two weeks to appeal.

Chief prosecutor Brenda Hollis had asked for 80 years' prison and said her team would study the sentence before deciding whether to appeal.

"The sentence... does not replace amputated limbs, does not bring back to life those who were murdered," she said. "It does not heal the wounds of those victims of sexual violence and does not remove the permanent emotional and psychological scars of those enslaved or recruited as child soldiers.

"But it brings back some measure of justice... for those fortunate enough to survive."

Taylor's legal team indicated it would appeal.

In Washington, the US hailed Taylor's conviction and sentencing.

"The conviction of Charles Taylor is a significant moment for the people of Sierra Leone and, I would note, a milestone for justice and accountability," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.

In Sierra Leone's capital Freetown, hundreds of survivors of the war, which claimed 120,000 lives, watched the proceedings in silence on a large TV screen.

Among them was Al Hadji Jusu Jarka, former chairman of the association of amputees, who had both his arms cut off by the rebels.

"The curtain has now been drawn on Charles Taylor," he said. "I hope he will be haunted by his deeds as he languishes in jail."

Sierra Leone hailed the sentencing as "welcome news to both government and the nation".

"It is a step forward as justice has been done," Deputy Information Minister Sheku Tarawali said.

In Monrovia, some Liberians said they felt humiliated by Taylor's sentence, while others voiced relief that a dark chapter in the history of the two neighbouring countries had been brought to a close.

But many remain deeply bitter that the atrocities of Taylor's reign as a warlord in his own country have gone unpunished.

"To judge Mr. Taylor for what occurred in Sierra Leone and ignore what occurred in Liberia is for me a betrayal from the part of the international community," said Ruth Mendee, 43, whose two children were raped in front of her.

Taylor's lawyer Courtenay Griffiths however said the sentence meant that "effectively Charles Taylor will die in prison".

Judge Lussick said that Taylor, as president from 1997 to 2003, "held a position of public trust and higher authority, which he abused".

Throughout the trial, Taylor maintained his innocence and insisted he was instrumental in eventually ending Sierra Leone's civil war.

But the judge said that Taylor "secretly... was fueling hostilities".

The ex-president will now remain in the UN's detention unit in The Hague until appeal procedures are finalised, his lawyers said. The process could still take several months.

Taylor's sentence will be served in a British prison under a 2007 deal to put him on trial in the Netherlands-based court.

The nearly four-year trial, which wrapped up in March 2011, saw several high-profile witnesses testify.

Among them was supermodel Naomi Campbell, who told of a gift of "dirty diamonds" she received in 1997 after a charity ball hosted by South Africa's then-president Nelson Mandela.

Nigeria arrested Taylor in March 2006 as he tried to flee from exile there after being forced to quit Liberia three years earlier, under international pressure to end that country's own civil war.

He was transferred to The Hague in mid-2006 amid fears that putting him on trial in Freetown would pose a security threat.

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Sports Games Online Horse Racing Games Online -

John Madden Football is great, but some people prefer watching the more awesome athlete called the thoroughbred horse. What?s the latest in horse racing games online?

The first racetrack in America was constructed on Long Island in 1665. The American Stud Book was started in 1868, launching organized horse racing in the United States. By 1890, there were 314 tracks operating in the U.S. In 1894, the American Jockey Club was formed. In the early 20th century the sport was set back by anti-gambling sentiment that led almost all states to ban bookmaking. Parimutuel betting was introduced in 1908, reviving the industry, and it flourished until World War II, and then fell in popularity until horses began to win the Triple Crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes).

Top U.S. racetracks include Saratoga (1863), Pimlico (1870), Churchill Downs (1875), Belmont Park (1905), Fairmont Park (1925), Hialeah Park (1925), Santa Anita Park (1934), Del Mar (1937), and Hollywood Park (1938). Belmont is the largest dirt thoroughbred race course in the world, and has the sport?s largest grandstand.

Even after the Space Age and the Personal Computer Age, the excitement and lure of horse racing is strong. With the growth of the new information economy, new recreation opportunities are being created, and horse racing games online are no exception. With the current crop of horse racing games online, players can be the jockey, better, and breeder too, managing the development of every aspect of the activity and interacting with a growing international community of horse racing lovers in virtually all countries.

What?s new? The use of 3-D virtual reality technology gives a powerful dimension that is the next best thing to being there ? even better than being there in some ways. The brain is satisfied with the entire experience, while the pocket book need never be touched, nor gambling laws consulted, since real money is not used.

Where does one obtain horse racing games online? It?s easy. Just use Google and see what offerings come up. Many if not most are free to download and use. What matters is that you find one you like and use over and over to build your skill along with a social network with other players.

What are the possibilities? How about racetrack operators, breeding farms, and horse racing syndication groups? Let?s cut to the chase: jockeying. How would you like to take control of a thousand-pound thoroughbred and ride him or her to victory for real prizes? That?s right, real prizes. Depending on the vendor, prizes can be anything from an iPod to a meeting with a real jockey. My hips don?t lie, baby.

Just in case you think this is for babes in the woods, did you know that horse racing games online are so realistic that top jockeys and trainers play regularly?

So drop your boring activities and engage with horse racing games online. You?ll be really glad you downloaded one today.

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Obama to honor Medal of Freedom recipients

FILE - In this April 25, 2012 file photo, former Tennessee women's basketball coach Pat Summitt speaks in Atlanta. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File)

FILE - In this April 25, 2012 file photo, former Tennessee women's basketball coach Pat Summitt speaks in Atlanta. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 12, 2012 file photo, Bob Dylan performs in Los Angeles. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File)

FILE - In this May 24, 2012 file photo, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is seen at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

FILE - In this Feb. 20, 2012 file photo, former Ohio Sen. John Glenn speaks in Columbus, Ohio. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/Jay LaPrete, File)

FILE - In this March 4, 2012 file photo, Israeli President Shimon Peres applauds in Washington. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday. The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama will honor a diverse cross-section of political and cultural icons ? including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, astronaut John Glenn, basketball coach Pat Summitt and rock legend Bob Dylan ? with the Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony Tuesday.

The Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. It's presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors.

Other recipients this year include:

?Toni Morrison, author of such novels as "Song of Solomon" and "Beloved."

?John Paul Stevens, former Supreme Court Justice.

?Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts.

?Shimon Peres, president of Israel.

?John Doar, who handled civil rights cases as assistant attorney general in the 1960s.

?William Foege, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who helped lead the effort to eradicate smallpox.

?Gordon Hirabayashi, who fought the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

?Jan Karski, a resistance fighter against the Nazi occupation of Poland during World War II.

?Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers of America.

Albright was the first woman to hold the top U.S. diplomatic job, while Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth. Summitt led the University of Tennessee women's basketball team to more NCAA Final Four appearances than any other team. And Dylan's vast catalog of songs includes such rock classics as "Like a Rolling Stone," ''Blowin' in the Wind" and "Mr. Tambourine Man."

Associated Press

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Pi?ro / Blog Archive / 2012 NMAs: Arts and Entertainment

You have to be kidding me.?Cottage Life drops a Canadiana bomb with ?A Happy Makeshift Vision? [.pdf of story], in which famous Canadian poet George Bowering writes about famous Canadian poet Al Purdy and his old A-frame abode in Prince Edward County. The story has the vibe of a Purdy poem. Give it the award.

OK. Wait. What else is in the A&E category?

There?s a high Arctic Canadiana bomb from Canadian Art magazine. In ?Man Standing,? Timothy Taylor profiles Zacharias Kunuk, the director of Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen and Qapirangajuq: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change. The first section of the story has a few too many overly poetic turns of phrase that draw too much attention to themselves: ?[the airport] hurtles by in a rainbow spray of ice crystals?.the way tongue drifts form in the winter season.? But, Taylor?s tale really shines later with his insights into the director?s films and the cultural psychology of the Inuit?without using wanky phrases, such as ?cultural psychology.?

In The Walrus, Tom Jokinen explores opera from the inside with ?Adventures of a Supernumerary.? The writer gets all immersion journalism as an extra (supernumerary) in a Canadian Opera Company production of Richard Strauss?s Ariadne auf Naxos. Jokinen weaves various themes and images with ease. My favourite line: ?The Finn wears his heart not on his sleeve, but in a Tupperware container in the refrigerator, the better to bear the trials of a working life.?

The Walrus also gives us ?Modern Inconveniences? by Adele Weder. After I read the first line, I decided I didn?t need to read any more.

In his 1908 essay ?Ornament and Crime,? Viennese architect Adolf Loos waxed magnanimous: ?I have made the following discovery and I pass it on to the world: The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from utilitarian objects.?

In Grade 9, in an essay on whether the narrator of Edgar Allan Poe?s ?The Tell-Tale Heart? was insane or not, I opened with ?The Collins English Dictionary defines ?insanity? as??

No one should read that either.

L?actualit? has?a profile of Karine Vanasse, who I?ve only seen in Woody Allen?s Midnight in Paris. (I really should see Polytechnique.)

Not surprisingly, Gerald Hannon wrote a fantastic profile of Kent Monkman, the visual artist known for his gender-bending trickster figure Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, who subverts European/Native power structures and makes Monkman a truck load of dough. Hannon lays down words with the precision of a poet. He could win this category, and I have him picked for his story in the Profiles NMA.

In the modern music department, Brian D. Johnson has a profile of Tony Bennett, ?Steppin? out with Tony,? in Maclean?s; Sarah Liss has a profile of Deadmau5, ?The Man in the Mouse,? in Toronto Life; and No?mi Mercier has a profile of Karkwa, ?Les derni?res fl?ches de Karkwa?? in L?actualit?. Of the three, Mercier?s work is the strongest. Her article about the 2010 Polaris Music Prize?winning group examines a band that is famous, but not famous enough. Also, to riff on the story?s deck, it?s one solitude on an odyssey within the other. Call this one a Hugh MacLennan Canadiana bomb, which might pack more megatons than Cottage Life?s bit of maple ordnance.

Military metaphors aside, my pick for the NMA does not feature Purdy or Karkwa, but a game of chance and a writer who passed away in 2010. Don Gillmor writes about writer Paul Quarringtion and his final months before dying of lung cancer in ?All In? [.pdf of story]. The story, which appeared in Eighteen Bridges, weaves Quarringtion?s story with the games of poker that he, Gillmor and others played. The story is a tightly written elegy and an effort to deal with chance and mortality. It?s the strongest story in the A&E category.

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Ben & Cassie: Feels like home

Well I am typing this in the car right now

on our way home from Canada.

We are in the middle of Idaho and it smells

like tar mixed with a feedlot.

So that's nice...

Here is what our weekend getaway in Canada consisted of


1: Asian Chicken Salad 2: Fries and Gravy, the only way to eat them in Canada! 3: Southwest Quinoa Salad


?1&3: The only way she would ever sit still or let me paint her toes is while she was sleeping, I had to be so careful and make sure she didn't move. 2: She?loves the fireplace, little pyro 4: The cutest thing in the world, she fell asleep with Ben, my heart melted.

Carly's Graduation of course

*(graduation is a big deal in Alberta-Like US's version of Prom with the fancy dresses etc.)*

Didn't she look gorgeous??

We decided to do a little comparison from my grad five years ago..

Apparently we like red!

The weekend was so great,

I always get knots in my stomach

the morning we have to leave,

because I don't want to leave.

Even though it rained all weekend and I

got sick on Sunday it was still perf!

We got in a lot of play time my baby sister Hailey,

card games, family?time and ?of course we ate our weight in

delicious food!

And some more pictures for good measure:

1:Our backyard 2: Too rainy to swim

Oh Canada, till we meet again!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mining supporters, foes reveal polarized Peru

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Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze


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Germier Than Toilet Seats, But You Touch Them Every Day | Health ...

By Dr. Mercola

What do restaurant menus, hands-free faucets, ATM machines and your physician?s scrubs have in common? They are all among the ?germiest? objects on Earth.

Yes, really.

As much as you might like to give the gold medal to toilet seats when it comes to squeamishly germ-ridden locations, science suggests there are much ?germier? places that you?re probably frequenting daily.

For example, one study found that each key on an ATM keypad harbors 1,200 germs, including E. coli and cold and flu viruses. The worst button is the ?Enter? button, because everyone has to touch it. Flu viruses can survive on hard surfaces such as restaurant menus for as long as 18 hours, according to an article in Mental Flossi. Some of the other dirtiest places and objects might surprise you:

  • Hospitals
  • Lemon Slices in Restaurant Drinks
  • Hotel Room Glasses
  • Kitchen Cloths and Sponges
  • Faucets and Sink Drains
  • Toothbrushes
  • Food Court Tables
  • Fitting Rooms
  • Restaurant Condiment
  • Toy Stores
  • Hotel Bedspreads and Pillows
  • Light Switches
  • Drinking Fountains
  • Wet laundry?after it?s been washed
  • Escalator Handrails
  • Shopping Cart Handles
  • Handbag Bottoms
  • Gadget Shops
  • Remote Controls and Computer Keyboards
  • Door Knobs and Handles
  • Cutting Boards
  • Playground Equipment (Swings, Slides and Monkey Bars)
  • Shopping Cart Handles
  • Makeup Samples

Hospitals are Some of the Germiest Places on Earth

When you see hospital staff in bright, cheerfully colored scrubs and crisp white lab coats, do you think bacteria? That?s exactly what you should think, considering the findings of several recent studies that show hospitals are not the safe, clean environments we?d like them to be.

  1. A study published in 2011 in the American Journal of Infection Controlii found that more than 60 percent of healthcare workers? uniforms tested positive for potentially dangerous bacteria, including germs that cause pneumonia, bloodstream infections and drug-resistant infections such as MRSA. The samples were obtained from the sleeves, waists, and pockets of 75 registered nurses and 60 physicians at a busy university-based hospital. Eleven percent of the bugs were resistant to multiple front-line antibiotics. This study suggests healthcare workers? attire may be one surprising route by which pathogenic bacteria are transmitted from staff to patients.
  2. Another 2011 studyiii found pathogenic bacteria?including MRSA?on the privacy curtains that separate care spaces in hospitals and clinics.
  3. A 2009 studyiv showed that pathogenic microorganisms can even survive on the paper commonly used in clinical settings?so the penicillin script your physician hands you may come with its own colony of dangerous bacteria
  4. A 2009 studyv of U.K. nursing homes found 24 percent of residents and seven percent of staff were colonized with MRSA, which means they were carrying the bacteria on their skin (and lab coats) but not? showing signs of infection.

Rates of MRSA in health care settings have been climbing steadily. Statistically, six out of seven people infected with MRSA contract it at a healthcare facility, where the infection shows up in surgical wounds or around feeding tubes, catheters or other invasive devicesvi. However, these ?super bugs? are no longer originating only in healthcare facilities. The bacteria are constantly adapting, and now they are being found in livestock that ends up on your dinner plate.

The ?Farming? of Super Bugs

Today, as much as 70 percent of all antibiotic use in the United States takes place at concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFOs), and these factory-scale farms are now brewing a novel strain of MRSA. CAFO animals are often fed antibiotics at low doses to prevent disease and promote growth.

MRSA, short for ?Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus,? is a very dangerous strain of staph bacteria that has developed resistance to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it (methicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, amoxicillin, etc.). Initially, these ?super bugs? were coming exclusively from hospital environments, but they?ve now adapted and spread to other public settings, such as schools, gyms, and locker rooms. And now a new strain has appeared in livestock animals as a direct result of antibiotic overuse.

Experts are concerned this new MRSA strain in livestock could begin to infect humans all over the globe.

Realizing that antibiotics abuse threatens public health, the U.S. FDA plans to issue new regulations for the use of antibiotics in the livestock industry by requiring a veterinarian?s prescription before antibiotics can be given.vii

Other countries have also realized the inherent hazards of antibiotic overuse and have opted for a healthier approach to the raising of livestock. For example, Denmark stopped the widespread use of antibiotics in their pork industry 12 years ago. After they implemented the antibiotic ban, a Danish study later confirmed that Denmark had drastically reduced antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their animals and food. This is one reason why I feel it?s so important to support smaller, local farms that raise livestock and poultry without antibiotics, on pastures where the animals graze on natural grasses, as opposed to confined to buildings and fed grains.

Bad Bugs, Bad Bugs? Whatchya Gonna Do?

As hard as you might try, you simply can?t outrun or outsmart the microbes. They?re literally everywhere, including all over you as you read this right now. We are their reproductive vectors?they ride around on us and hop from person to person, using us like an interpersonal railway system. Knowing this, how do you live your life without fearing an attack from every mustard bottle or stationary bike handle you come across?

Relax. You don?t have to worry, as long as your immune system is in good shape.

We have shared our lives with the microbial world for?many thousands?of years, and we will probably do so for millions more. If your defenses are strong, your body will be pretty successful in fighting off invaders. It?s only when your immune system is compromised that you?re more likely to become ill.

And many of these microorganisms are beneficial?even the pathological ones. Some microbial exposure actually makes you stronger by ?training? your immune system to react appropriately, especially when the exposure occurs in childhood. This concept is known as the ?hygiene hypothesis.?

There is evidence that our modern germophobic culture, with hand sanitizers on every shelf, is counterproductive to good health. Science has found that overly sterile environments are linked with higher rates of depression, increased inflammation, heart disease, asthma, allergies, and eczema. That said, some of today?s pathogens are quite a bit more dangerous than those present a century ago, so taking some reasonable precautions is advisable. One of the simplest and most effective preventative measures is proper hand washing.

Your Number ONE Defense Against Germs: Proper Hand Washing

Getting back to basics is often the best advice, and that definitely applies here. Good old-fashioned hand washing with plain soap and water is one of the oldest and most powerful antibacterial treatments there is; no harsh disinfectants or antimicrobial soaps required. To make sure you?re actually removing the germs when you wash your hands, follow these guidelines:

1.??Use warm water
2.??Use a mild non-antibacterial soap
3.??Work up a good lather, all the way up to your wrists, for at least 10 or 15 seconds
4.??Make sure you cover all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers, and around and below your fingernails
5.??Rinse thoroughly under running water
6.??In public places, use a paper towel to open the door as a protection from germs that the handles may harbor

Also remember that your skin is your primary defense against bacteria?not the soap. So resist the urge to become obsessive about washing your hands. Washing too vigorously or too frequently can extract many of the protective oils in your skin, causing it to crack and potentially even bleed, providing germs a point of entry into your body where they can do harm. So mild to moderate washing is really all you need.

AVOID Anti-Bacterial Soaps

You should especially avoid the use of antibacterial soaps and wipes, especially those containing triclosan and triclocarban, chemicals that can worsen the problem of bacterial resistance. There is also recent evidence that triclosan may disrupt your hormone balance. If you wish to use a hand sanitizer, make sure it?s made with safe plant-based ingredients such as rice bran extract, aloe vera, chamomile and tea tree oil, rather than the chemical agents you typically find. Now that you?ve taken care of your outer defenses, you should pay some attention to your inner defenses?your immune system.

My Basic Recipe for Building a Strong Immune System

Maintaining a strong immune system requires following the basic tenets of good health. There is no magic bullet. Staying healthy, or regaining your health, requires some diligence in making good choices about nutrition, exercise, sleep and the rest, over the long term. Good health habits will minimize your risk of getting sick from ANY cause.

Manage your stress; science has proven that stress and unresolved emotional issues have lingering adverse effects on your health
Optimize your vitamin D level with exposure to sunlight or a safe tanning bed; if this isn?t possible, take an oral vitamin D supplement
Drink plenty of clean water
Eat foods that are best for your body, according to my Nutrition Plan
Optimize your insulin and leptin levels
Avoid excess sugar (especially fructose) and grain consumption
Avoid processed foods, chemical additives, artificial sweeteners, MSG, and all genetically modified ingredients
Consider taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, as your gastrointestinal system is an important part of your immune system
Exercise three to five?times a week
Get plenty of restorative sleep every night



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Analysis: BOJ gets cold feet after Valentine surprise

TOKYO (Reuters) - Hyped up market expectations of more forceful steps by Japan's central bank to beat deflation since its two-punch monetary easing has raised concerns it needs to temper the message, or risk leading investors up a blind alley.

The Bank of Japan eased monetary policy in February and set a 1 percent inflation target to show its determination to fix deflation that has plagued the country for more than a decade.

The aggressive steps, from out of the blue on Valentine's Day, succeeded in altering market perception of what the authorities would do and how they would do it.

But now, alarmed by what it sees as overblown expectations of frequent easing and worried about demands for more quantitative steps, the BOJ is carefully trying to tell markets that the large-scale stimulus measures in February and April were exceptional and won't be easily repeated.

The BOJ wants to signal a pause after easing monetary policy twice in just over two months, but without dispelling expectations it will act if the economy slips.

That is a tough balancing act with potential pitfalls and a big challenge for a central bank rarely praised for its skills in communicating with markets.

"The February easing created a misperception that monetary policy can solve everything. That needed to change," said a source familiar with the central bank's thinking. "A period of easing sporadically to beat deflation may be coming to an end."

Another source expressed a similar view. Both spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

With interest rates virtually at zero and markets awash with cash, the BOJ knows further easing may not have much direct impact on the economy. But it hopes its actions will lift sentiment, prompting companies and households to spend more.

The BOJ thus won't rule out another easing but wants to keep its finger firmly on the trigger, unless a Greek exit from the euro zone jolts financial markets or there is clear evidence that Japan's recovery is being derailed.

That is a different approach from the February and April actions, delivered despite growing economic momentum and justified as aimed at speeding up an exit from deflation.

In a sign of discomfort over the hyped-up expectations, minutes of the April meeting showed board members complaining about "misunderstanding" in markets that the central bank will ease automatically until 1 percent inflation was in sight regardless of what the economy was doing.

The BOJ presented itself as a bold deflation fighter by setting the inflation target and topping up its asset-buying program by 10 trillion yen ($126 billion), double the usual increment. It followed up with another increase of the same scale in April, bringing the target for asset purchases to 40 trillion yen.

Running out of ammunition, the BOJ now wants to pause.

But central bankers are apparently not quite sure how best to do this without disappointing markets and politicians growing impatient with the slow progress in ending deflation.

They got a taste of how tough it is to massage expectations when they removed from a policy statement last week a vow of pursuing "powerful" easing, in place since August 2010.

The move was meant to scale back expectations of frequent easing. It did just that, but a resulting yen rise led Governor Masaaki Shirakawa to stress that there was no change to the bank's powerful easing stance.

Mari Iwashita, chief market economist at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo, questioned why the phrase was removed from the statement if Shirakawa had to revive it shortly after.

"The statement is an important tool for communication," she said. "This episode left some lessons for the BOJ on how it wants to communicate with the market."


The BOJ is walking a tightrope.

It needs to buy 20 trillion yen more of government bonds by June next year. But some of its bond-buying actions failed to draw enough bids this month as it struggles to force-feed funds to markets awash with cash, a sign it may not be able to top up the asset-buying program as frequently as before.

The central bank also worries that boosting bond buying too much without a clear government roadmap to get Japan's fiscal house in order may cause a jump in yields, a risk that led Fitch Ratings to cut the country's sovereign debt rating.

Shirakawa has thus stressed more than before that the BOJ is already buying huge amounts of bonds and with borrowing costs close to zero, there is little point in simply pumping money into markets. He has also warned that monetary stimulus cannot cure ills and only buys time for long-term structural reforms.

But the message has fallen on deaf ears to politicians who want bolder monetary support for the economy, particularly with Japan's huge debt pile leaving little room for fiscal stimulus.

Some lawmakers have called for extreme steps such as revising a law guaranteeing the BOJ's independence so that the government can tinker with monetary policy.

The government has dismissed such calls but wants the BOJ's support in shielding the export-reliant economy from the pain of any sharp yen rises as it tries to push through a sales tax increase to solve Japan's tattered finances.

That means a spike in the yen or jawboning by politicians will remain the key for any further easing, regardless of what line the BOJ wants to sell to markets, analysts say.

Atsushi Mizuno, a former BOJ board member and an executive at Credit Suisse , said the central bank may be saying too much, not too little, and confusing markets on what exactly it wants to achieve.

"Markets don't have time to read between the lines for subtle messages from the BOJ," he told Reuters this month.

"What markets want to hear is not what Shirakawa thinks is right but the BOJ's strong determination to beat deflation."

($1 = 79.4150 Japanese yen)

(Editing by Jacqueline Wong)

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Earnhardt hopes to put last year behind him

Dale Earnhardt Jr. speaks to the media before practice for Saturday's NASCAR Sprint Cup All-Star auto race in Concord, N.C., Friday, May 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Mike McCarn)

Dale Earnhardt Jr. speaks to the media before practice for Saturday's NASCAR Sprint Cup All-Star auto race in Concord, N.C., Friday, May 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Mike McCarn)

Dale Earnhardt Jr. sits in his car during practice for Sunday's NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Coca-Cola 600 auto race in Concord, N.C., Thursday, May 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Mike McCarn)

Dale Earnhardt Jr, right, talks to a crew member before practice for Sunday's NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Coca-Cola 600 auto race in Concord, N.C., Thursday, May 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Dale Earnhardt Jr., right, and team owner Rick Hendrick pose with the trophy in victory lane after Earnhardt won the NASCAR Sprint Showdown auto race in Concord, N.C., Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

CONCORD, N.C. (AP) ? At first Dale Earnhardt Jr. was relieved he didn't fall further back than seventh at last year's Coca-Cola 600. Then he realized what he had lost for just about a gallon of gas.

"After a while, you start thinking about, 'Oh, yeah, we really came close to winning a race,'" Earnhardt said this week. "It was really unfortunate there wasn't just a little bit more gas in the car."

If there were, Earnhardt wouldn't have faced an additional year's worth of questions about why he hasn't won a Sprint Cup race since 2008 at Michigan. The drought has grown to 140 races and is a focal point at every track or appearance by Earnhardt.

"I've said it all year long," he says, "that I think we're a little bit better than we were last year."

It looked like Earnhardt was the best at Charlotte Motor Speedway a year ago when he broke free on a late restart to take the lead. He got the white flag just fine, then ran out of gas on the front straightaway and coasted through he final turn before Kevin Harvick passed him for the win.

Harvick said afterwards he "felt so stinking bad" for Earnhardt because he knew how much the Hendrick Motorsports driver wanted to win. The fans roared when Earnhardt, voted the sport's most popular driver the past nine years, moved in front and were equally stunned when his tank ran dry.

Earnhardt was grateful to hang on to seventh as he thought about his position in the year-end championship chase. Then the disappointment of what happened swept over him.

"I was really unfortunate there wasn't just a little bit more gas in the car or whatever to get us to victory lane because that would've been a great way to cap off a pretty good weekend," Earnhardt said. "So it was a bit frustrating over time."

Martin Truex Jr., who hasn't won since 2007, finished 26th in last year's race and understood what his fellow driver was going through. It takes so much, Truex said, to get into position that to have it snatched away so close to the finish line is maddening. "Coming off turn four and running out of gas is about the absolute worst way to lose a race," Truex said. "I definitely felt for him there."

Earnhardt, who'll start 12th on Sunday night in Sprint Cup's longest race, feels he's in a strong position to contend again. He said he's been faster at nearly every track he's gone to this season and doesn't expect that to change in Charlotte. Hendrick teammate Jeff Gordon has seen things building with Earnhardt's No. 88 team.

A year ago, Earnhardt came close to winning because of fuel mileage strategy, Gordon said. This time, Earnhardt's got one of the fastest, most consistent cars in the garage and is capable of outrunning anyone.

"All that builds confidence," Gordon said. "And it just makes your team that much stronger and allows you to go to the next race with a shot at winning," Gordon said.

That could apply to all Hendrick Motorsports teams. The longtime Sprint Cup program has been on a major roll the past few weeks. Five-time champion Jimmie Johnson won owner Rick Hendrick's 200th race at Darlington two weeks ago. Johnson followed that with a win in the All-Star race here last Saturday night. Even Earnhardt picked up a trophy last week, winning the Sprint Showdown to get into the All-Star race.

Johnson starts third behind the Richard Petty Motorsports duo of Aric Almirola and Marcos Ambrose, who finished 1-2 in Thursday night's qualifying. Johnson's won nine times at Charlotte, including three Coca-Cola 600s.

The race marks the second straight ? and third overall ? Sprint Cup appearance for Danica Patrick. She was 31st at Darlington two weeks back, but running at the end on the quirky oval ? something that made her car owner Tony Stewart proud.

"if you can get through Darlington weekend you can get through this weekend. Those extra hundred miles here aren't near as hard as it is at Darlington, I believe," Stewart said.

Usually, Patrick's spending her Memorial Day weekend prepping for the Indianapolis 500. But she says she's excited about the NASCAR challenge and hasn't spent much time longing for the Brickyard.

"I was ready to leave IndyCar. I wanted to be here," she said. "When you are not missing something, longing for something, you don't really think about it that much."

Earnhardt's tried not to think too much about his late-race flame out at Charlotte last year. He channels any remaining frustration into working hard to make sure nothing goes wrong Sunday night.

Earnhardt expects his team to make the right calls and get himself up front when it matters most and "we hopefully have enough fuel to get to the finish line," he said.

Associated Press

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