Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Most Important Lesson Tim Cook Learned From Steve Jobs: ?Focus Is Key?

photoIn his first major public interview since replacing Steve Jobs as CEO, Tim Cook took the stage with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher at the tenth annual All Things D conference to talk about the state of Apple. "Apple has gone through a tremendous change," Walt Mossberg segued into perhaps the most important question of the interview, "How is Apple different with you as the CEO?" "I learned a lot from Steve," Cook responded. "It was the saddest day of my life when he passed away. As much as you should see or predict that I really didn't. It's time to get on." Cook said that he most admired Jobs' "intense determination" and described him as "laser-focused." Cook also explained that the most important leadership lesson he learned from Jobs is that ?"'Focus is key' .. not just in running your company but in your personal life. You can only do certain things well."

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