Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is Kettlebell Training All About? | All About Health

Kettlebell training is definitely a growing theme in terms of fitness and strength this day and age. The thing that kills me though is the abundance of kettlebells that are growing along with the lack of knowing how to actually apply and use this device for it?s purpose. Just like most other forms of strength training there is a ?knowledge gap? out there that needs to be filled and this is no different when looking at using kettlebells.

So What Is Kettlebell Training All About?

Well first of all, the kettlebell itself is a uniquely designed instrument that is primarily used for executing lifts that are more movement oriented in nature. As a strength and conditioning professional myself I am a firm believer in utilizing your body for the purpose of executing movements in the first place. After all, we are 3-dimensional creatures that move along 3 planes of motion. What sense does it make to NOT engage our bodies in the very acts that we are mechanically designed to do.

Kettlebell exercises are perfect for helping us to train a lot of these movements up against the resistance of a free weight (the kettlebell). Because of it?s unique design, which resembles a cannonball with a handle, it is awkward and difficult to hold in most any position. This awkwardness is what causes your body to counter-react against the bell when performing some of the more dynamic lifts that can be done with it along the many planes of motion. When properly and effectively performing some of the base exercises with the kettlebell you stand to improve your joint integrity, total body strength, balance, coordination, mobility, and overall cardiovascular conditioning. Do these all qualify as traits worth achieving?

I?m sure you answered yes to the the previous question if you are about results. You see when properly applied I believe kettlebells are about results, period. What else are you training for? Do you have a few, or more than a few, pounds to lose? Is your strength level up to par? What about joint problems? In short, the proper application of this form of movement based strength training can improve all of these areas of your personal level of fitness. The act of kettlebell training requires focus, effort, and continuous practice. This type of workout goes beyond the mindless effort of trying to mimic the picture diagram on the side of some health club machine.

So what is kettlebell training all about? Well its not about popping in the ipod and staring at the computer monitor while aimlessly bouncing up and down on a treadmill. Its about proper planning, application, and consistent practice. All of these add up to RESULTS! If you haven?t already started to implement this into your own program then you already know what you are missing if you have read to this point of the article. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!


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